FUNNY STORY: Logan just purchased paddle tires off of craigslist about 6 months ago. Since then he has been working hard on getting his engine in mint condition, and conditioning the paddle tires with new tubes, etc. We no sooner get to the Cinders and Logan
starts installing these "amazing" paddle tires. He gets so excited that when is tries to remove the regular tires, he breaks the steam off of them. We have to drive into Flagstaff and go to discount tires to get it replaced.
We get back to the campsite, and Logan begins the installation process again. Both tires on, Logan is ready to go. Blake, Indira, and I jump in the Baja with Logan and take off for the hills. As I'm filming Logan and our friends driving around and around, he punches it for about 5 minutes. He pulls back up onto the road where I have conveniently been sitting down recording his driving
experience, and he realizes his paddle tire has gone flat! HE DROVE ON THAT TIRE FOR ONLY FIVE MINUTES!!!!!!! Histerical! Just goes to show, you may get a great deal on Craigslist, but how long will it really last? Well, at least we have a cool story. I can't believe how much drama tires can cause. HA HA!